National Strategic Reference Framework 2021-2027

The new “National Strategic Reference Framework 2021-2027” (“NSRF 2021-2027”) largely reflects the new priorities of the European Commission and the new development strategies of Greece for the upcoming years.

It was approved by the European Commission on the 29th of July 2021 and pursuant to it, a total of 26.2 billion euros will be made available for our country over the next 7 years, out of which 20.9 billion euros will be allocated to the EU Support and 5.3 billion euros to the National Contribution.

The active or expected NSRF 2021-2027 programs are presented in the table below:

Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New Tourism Businesses New or pre established Tourism Enterprises 50% up to € 400.000 expected


Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New Small and Medium Enterprises

New or pre established Enterprises 50% up to € 100.000 expected
Establishment of Businesses & Strengthening of New & Existing SMEs in the areas of the Just Transition Territorial Plans of the Region of Western Macedonia & Megalopolis New or established Enterprises 70% From € 20.000 up to € 100.000 expected
Basic Digital Transformation for SMEs Existing SMEs with 3 ANW 50% From €18.000 up to €30.000 23/02/2023, 12.00 p.m. and until the exhaustion of the budget
Advanced Digital Transformation for SMEs Existing SMEs with 5 ANW 10-50% From €50.000 up to €650.000 23/02/2023, 12.00 p.m. and until the exhaustion of the budget
Cutting-edge Digital Transformation for SMEs Existing SMEs with 9 ANW 10-60% From €200.001 up to €1.200.000 23/02/2023, 12.00 p.m. and until the exhaustion of the budget
Green Transition for SMEs Existing SMEs with 3 ANW Up to 50% From €200.001 up to 1.000.000€ 22/02/2023, 12.00 p.m. and until the exhaustion of the budget
Green Productive Investment for SMEs Existing SMEs with 2 ANW Up to 50% From 30.000€ up to 200.000€ 22/02/2023, 12.00 p.m. and until the exhaustion of the budget

The new “NSRF 2021-2027” reflects and prioritizes the strengthening of the productive potential of the economy, infrastructure, human skills and the strengthening of social protection.

The projects/actions to be funded by the new NSRF take into account the specific conditions and requirements of the country in the coming years and respond to the structural shortcomings of the Greek economy. At the same time, major projects launched under the NSRF 2014-2020 are being continued and finalized.

As an overall policy, it sets out the priorities and actions to be implemented, which aim to make a successful transition to a:

  • “smarter” Greece – 20% of the resources
  • “greener” Greece – 27% of resources
  • “interconnected” Greece – 8% of resources.
  • “More social” Greece – 30% of resources
  • Greece closer to its citizens – 6% of resources
  • Just Transition of Delignation areas – 7% of resources

The new “NSRF 2021-2027” has a strong developmental footprint through high added value actions and multiplies benefits for both society and the economy – after the pandemic crisis – contributing greatly to the start of a new cycle of prosperity for all.

The National Strategic Reference Framework 2021-2027 was approved by the European Commission on the 29th of July 2021.

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